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Digested Organics scoops $50K for turning manure into fertilizer and clean water - Georgie Smith, The Daily Churn
Manure Challenge Final Pitches at the Animal Agtech Innovation Summit in San Francisco - ReThink Animal Agtech
Make Manure Great Again: New Tech Challenge Aims to Put Animal Waste to Work - Lauren Manning, AgFunder
Yield Lab Names Cohort for New Startup Competition - St. Louis Business Journal.
Ag Startups Offer Unique Solutions Using Manure - Dairy Herd
Launch of Manure Challenge - Dairy Sustainability Framework
Manure Challenge Adds Sponsors and Advisors - Dairy Herd
Cargill, Maschhoffs among advisors added to the Manure Challenge - National Hog Farm Magazine
Manure Challenge Adds Sponsors and Advisors - Drovers Magazine
The Yield Lab Institute announces Manure Challenge sponsors and industry advisors - Hoard's Dairyman
Manure Challenge to Highlight Technologies That Can Benefit The Industry
-Brownfield Ag News
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